A Parent Partners Plus in the Arizona Family Health Project helping with a child

The Arizona Family Health Project

Parent Partners Plus is now enrolling eligible families into the Arizona Family Health Project.

What is the Arizona Family Health Project?

The Arizona Family Health Project is a free and voluntary project being offered to 900 families in the Phoenix and Tucson area with at least one child under the age of 4 years.

The purpose of this project is to learn more about how home visiting can help caregivers do the best job they can to take care of their children. This project will help make existing services better and may lead to new services and resources for families.

As part of this project, a Child Development Specialist will visit with families such as yours to learn about their:

  • feelings about being a parent or caregiver,
  • beliefs about how to be a good parent or caregiver,
  • child’s development,
  • use of resources and services in the community.

What does participation in the Arizona Family Health Project involve?

All families who participate will receive 4 visits with the Child Development Specialist, every 6 months over a 2-year time period. Each visit will last about 90 minutes. During these visits, the Specialist will talk with you about your family and do fun development activities with your youngest child.

What are the benefits of participating in the Arizona Family Health Project?

In appreciation of your time, you will receive incentives totaling $100 for completing the four assessments with the Child Development Specialist:

  • $20 incentive for your first assessment,
  • $20 incentive for the second assessment at 6 months,
  • $30 incentive for the third assessment at 12 months,
  • $30 incentive for the fourth assessment at 18 months.

Additionally, at each assessment the Child Development Specialist will give an age appropriate book to your youngest child.

Call Parent Partners Plus at 602-633-0732 to see if you qualify for participation.

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